The mission of St. Simon the Apostle Catholic School is to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to each member of our faith community through Scripture and the celebration of Sacraments in a nurturing, positive, learning environment according to the example of Christ.
The philosophy of St. Simon the Apostle Catholic School finds its center in the life and teachings of Jesus. We support and promote the four-fold mission of Catholic education.
MESSAGE: Our efforts are concentrated on teaching authentic doctrine and delivering truth in all aspects. Jesus Christ is Himself the message - the center and focus of all our teaching and living.
COMMUNITY: We consciously strive to build and live community. We pledge ourselves to foster mutual respect, care, openness, trust and Christian conduct through prayer as a total community, so that Jesus may be the source of our unity.
SERVICE: We believe that living and learning the Gospel of Jesus leads us to service. This service includes persons in our homes, school, neighborhood, as well as those in our parish, local and world communities.
WORSHIP: We come together to worship as a faith community. Through liturgical/paraliturgical planning and preparation, all members of the community celebrate the loving presence of Jesus Christ.
We call parents, as the primary educators of their children in faith, to partnership in supporting the educational opportunities offered for their children.
Our emphasis is on fostering the development of each person's physical and spiritual potential in the light of his/her dignity as a child of God. We look upon our teaching as a ministry of redemptive love, reflecting the attitudes of Jesus.
We attempt to educate the whole child by recognizing each child's learning style.
We endorse a policy of on-going curriculum evaluation and revision encouraging our students to think creatively and critically.
St. Simon the Apostle Catholic School strives to create a cooperative, joyous and hopeful climate so that everyone who passes through our school will experience a sense of community and know the saving presence of Jesus.